Thursday, August 8, 2013


The current Multiple Council Chairman of MD 411 PDG Lion Polly Ndyarugahi sends his prayers for speedy of 2nd VDG Lion Hayderali Gagnji.(Pic from Archive)

KAMPALA: The current Multiple Council Chairperson of Multiple District 411,  Lion Polly Karimari Ndyarugahi has sent his sympathy and offered prayers for quick recovery of the 2nd Vice District Governor Lion Hayderali Gangji who is currently under medical observation and treatment in a Mumbai hospital in India.
The MCC who was out of the country for some time now said that he felt sorry to learn about the ill-health of the Governor. He said: “I join all the well-wishers and wish him quick recovery. May the Good God bless him with a quick recovery. I am very sorry to learn about the poor health of Hayderali.”

Chain of “good luck and  sympathy” messages have been steadily coming into the mail boxes of the Governor Wilson Ndesanjo, and 2nd VDG Lion Gangji and also to this Governor’s Blog. Prayers have been held in Dar es Salaam and elsewhere. 

According to reliable sources and also through those who spoke directly to him or his wife, Lion Nimeira, several laboratory tests have been carried out but the Blog has not yet received any confirmed medical reports.

Report by Abdul Hai

1 comment:

  1. Been browsing for some nice sympathy card messages or just any words to uplift and comfort people who are downhearted. I felt happy to have found this inspirational page of yours. These words are very nice. Thanks and keep sharing :)
