Thursday, September 5, 2013


In just a span of  seventy  days since the Governor's Blog began operational, the popularity of readership has gone higher, reaching nearly 3,000 Page Viewers.

Tanzania appears to be among the top of the list of ten countries which view the Governor's Blog on almost daily basis, even beyond the midnight hours. The second on the list is Uganda having high readership. Both the countries are under the Sub District 411B, under District Governor Lion Wilson Ndesanjo.

Governor Wilson Ndesanjo was conveyed about the statistics of the Blog Readership and immediately conveyed hearty congratulations to the IT & Bulletin team for the splendid work performance. The three-man committee which runs the media comprises Lion Salim Suleimanji (Convenor); Lion Valeria Mwesigwa (Uganda) and Lion Sayed Abdul Hai (Tanzania).
Governor Willy Ndesanjo appears to be happy with the high soaring popularity of this blog and emphasizes that clubs should publicize meaningful activities.

The top ten countries visiting the blog frequently are: (1) Tanzania; (2) Uganda; (3) USA; (4) U.K.; (5) Russia; (6)Germany; (7) Zimbabwe; (8) India; (9) Serbia; (10) Netherlands.

The Multiple District 411 has five countries under it and these are Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia and the Seychelles.

The Governor's Blog was launched by Governor Wilson Ndesanjo on the 1st of July 2013. Among other major goals of the Governor this Lionistic Year, the issue of Public Relations and Image Building will be given priority attention. In his Handbook, he stated: "It is very essential for any association to be known and recognized for the work they are doing and for this strong working relationship with media whether in print or visual is verty essential."

In terms of publicity, the Governor is emphatic in his words and says; "Publicise what you feel are meaningful activities."

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