Tuesday, February 9, 2016



The hospitality accorded to the entourage of International Vice President Robert Corlew was described as a “heart-to-heart hospitality”, the cultural tradition which befits inhabitants of Dar es salaam….the haven of peace.

From the first day of arrival to the morning of departure day, the three days were packed with exciting events which kept the visitors and the hosts, on their toes, shuttling from place to place.  The visit heralded with reception at the VIP Lounge of JKIA, a traditional “ngoma” dance, a quick face-to-face news conference with media, visit to CCBRT hospital where LCI is on record for its big donation and joint projects with clubs, farewell event to children with cardiac problems on their way for surgical treatment to India, banquet for the visitors etc.

“It was a heart-to-heart hospitality,” the captain of the organizing committee, PMCC Lion Abdul Majid Khan put it in a nutshell, with deep appreciation and a “big thanks” to all the members who played their roles in making the events successful. The MCC Lion Wilson N. Ndesanjo and District Governor Lion Hayderali Gangji, as front-line leaders played their roles effectively and thanked fellow Lions for staying and working as a team.

The International Vice President, Bob Corlew appreciated the camaraderie of all the Lions, in words and deeds. Personal lapel pins and those of the International President, Appreciation Certificates from International President and mementoes were awarded to deserving members. The Fraternity Dar es Salaam Lions clubs reciprocated with presentation of a beautifully made large lather made portrait of a LION beautifully framed.

Vice President Bob Corlew was accompanied with his gracious lady Dianne and Dr. Neville. And all the way from Nairobi, a top notch Lion pundit with international repute, Dr. Manoj Shah with his spouse, Lady Jayna Shah (PCS) also participated in all the events. 

Appreciation Certificates, signed by International President of  Lions  Clubs International Dr. Jitsuhiro Yamada, were awarded to seven prominent Lions. They included: PMCC Lion Abdul Majid Khan; 2nd Vice District Governor Lion Rizwan Qadri; Lion Mustafa Kudrati; Lion Mustansir Gulamhussain; Lion Dr. Rajni Kanabar; Lion Lucy Lwakatare and Lion Reshma Shah.

The Information Technology chairperson of the sub district, Reshma Shah, who covers most of the Lions’ activities said at the last farewell breakfast gathering: “It was a sad farewell breakfast.”

Story by Abdul Hai
Pictures Reshma Shah IT Chairperson

International 1st Vice President Bob Corlew (3rd left), Lady Dianne with top officials of CCBRT and District 411.

The International President's Appreciation Certificate awarded to seven prominent Lions for their respective roles played in promoting Lionism.

The "last breakfast in Dar es Salaam" just before departure. IVP Bob Corlew (left); on right PID and Board Appointee Dr. Manoj Shah, background PMCC Lion Abdul Majid Khan; District Governor Hayderali Gangji and others.

A quick news conference just after arrival.

A fellowship lunch with visiting entourage of 1st Vice President.

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