About ninety school teachers will be trained in the Lions Quest workshop to be held at three different locations in Tanzania during the last two weeks of August. The objective of the workshop is to implement the campaign to discourage young people from falling into bad habits involving liquor, drugs, bangi and the like.
The workshop will be handled by two experts professional teachers (both Lion Members) under the watchful eyes of PDG/PMCC Lion Abdul Majid Khan. The overall boss of Lions Quest in Tanzania is PDG Khan.
The three days seminar will be held in Lake Zone namely Musoma 20-22nd August, Mwanza 23-25th August and Shinyanga 26-28th August. Thirty teachers will attend each seminar and will be awarded attendance certificate after fulfilling certain criteria.
In Mwanza, District officer for Lions Quest Programme is Lion veteran Kiran Mody and the Region Chairman handling the preparations of the programme is Lion Jagdish Mehta.
Lions Quest Programme is an international campaign to discourage misuse of harmful drugs and intoxicants. It has been operational for the past twenty fives years.
Recently, three workshops were held in Zanzibar, Dodoma and Morogoro.
Story by Abdul Hai
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