Sunday, November 10, 2013


DAR ES SALAAM, TANZANIA: After a week-long business trip in China, the District Governor Lion Wilson Ndesanjo returned to Dar es Salaam last Saturday 9th November ready to fly to Uganda on 14th November for presentation of the Charter to the newly born Lions Club of Ntungamo.

The President of the club, Lion Athanasius Rugasira, a Lecturer at the Uganda Martyrs University of Nyamitanga Campus will be conducting the Charter Presentation ceremony on Friday 15th November and the Chief Guest is Governor Wilson Ndesanjo. An open invitation has been sent to all the Lions in Uganda.

Among the exciting events planned, a procession and tree planting project will colour the historical moment for the new club and District 411B. The club has been sponsored by Lions Club of Mbarara.

The District Governor's goals during his tenure of twelve-months is to increase members, to open "at least two new clubs in Tanzania and Uganda" and to care for community service. Governor Wilson Ndesanjo has stressed time and again that "Lion Motto is to serve and the more hands we have the more we can extend them in service. While looking for new quality members do not ignore or shun the existing ones."

As at end of October, the Sub District has recorded an increased number of members to 1131 and the total number of clubs is now 42 in Tanzania and Uganda. In a nutshell, the sub district added a total of 109 new members but there was an exit of 76 Lions for one reason or the other. hence, the net gain was 33. 

The International President Lion Barry J. Palmer stated in his email letter: "We are off to a great start in the year with membership showing very positive growth. The charter size of the clubs is also up and number of members added to clubs is very encouraging."

He continued: "We still have to be very active in controlling the loss of members. We need to focuss not only on growth but also on Status Quo of the clubs."

GMT leader and Past District Governor, Lion Abdul Majid Khan stated in his latest circular to all the members in Tanzania and Uganda that there was an immense untapped areas in our locality anxious to join and serve Lions Clubs International.

He congratulated the Ugandan Lions for implementing the Governor's District Goals. "We still have to go a little beyond and rise to greater challenges to increase 120 members more without any dropouts to reach the desired target of 1250 before we go to the Annual Multiple District Convention in Kisumu." PDG Lion Abdul Majid Khan stated.

Story by Abdul Hai

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