Monday, December 2, 2013


Kilwa, Tanzania: Close to six hundred people, most of them adults were given the rare opportunity of eye check-up by Lions Club of Dar es Salaam Amani and the Rotary Club of Dar es Salaam. Three camps at three different locations in Kilwa Region for three days despite heavy rains and muddy roads were held.

The rare free for all Eye Camps attracted many people, some even as far as sixty kilometers away, travelled by bicycles or on foot just to get the opportunity of getting their eyes problems sorted out. Four Optometrists, six volunteers and the Member of Parliament for Kilwa North, Hon. Murtaza A. Mwangungu worked tirelessly to serve the people.

The patients were not only checked for eyes problems but each and every one were treated to light snacks, soft drinks and mineral bottles water. Eighteen patients were diagonised as needing immediate special treatment at bigger hospitals. The clubs will bear the surgical or medical treatment expenses.

The joint project is a classic example of "Unity in Service" the theme which the Governor has been talking about ever since he was installed as a Governor for Tanzania and Uganda. The total cost of the three days expedition is estimated at TShs. 9,500,000/= which has been financed by the two clubs, the Member of Parliament Hon. Murtaza AS. Mangungu, club members and some un-named members of the public. 

The Parliamentarian spent more than four days with the Lions and the Optometrists in organizing the Eye Camps in his constituency, North Kilwa.

The President of the club Lion Usman Khan declared during the opening ceremony of the camp, that his club will be willing to conduct such services in places where medical attention was difficult to avail. 

The eye camps were held at Tingi, Njinjo and Kipatimu in the mountainous and difficult-to-reach location during heavy rains. the earlier mentioned locations were held at the Government dispensaries while the last one at the Kipatimu Mission Dispensary.

The club also distributed religious educational books and stationary to the MuslimSheikh of Kilwa, Sheikh  Shabaan who is the Chief Imam in the town. Light snacks, cold drinks were distributed to the patients in the missionary hospital.


Historical glimpses of Kilwa: The well spread town is an ancient port city of the East African Coast. It was inhabited since at least 9th Century AD. Today it may seem isolated and remote but historical evidence indicates that Kilwa was once upon a time powerful, prosperous and well organized city-state rulled by African Sultanats. 

At its height of prosperity in the 14th & 15th century, it was the wealthiest town in the list of 35 other coastal settlements and just to name a few Tumbatu, Pemba, Zanzibar, Lamu and Mogadishu.

The fame of Kilwa spread to Arab countries, especvially Sultanat of Oman and Yemen, India, European countries and China and hence traders, merchants, schjolars, religious missions came and did business in this town. The Kilwa city-state also administered its own currency.

the magistic ruins are still there and testimony of the great city still lives in the historic books and people's mind.

Story by Abdul Hai

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