Thursday, October 31, 2013


Lion Talib Yusufali, the Deputy Cabinet Secretary and Personal Assistant to the District Governor has reminded all the club presidents and secretaries regarding the monthly planner recommended by the Governor in his handbook.

Apart from the goals set by respective club presidents, the goals of the International President Lion Barry J. Palmer and those of District Governor Lion Wilson N. Ndesanjo should also be focussed.

The November 2013 projects reads as follows:

* Inform your members,  friends and corporate bodies about the Melvin Jones fellowship programme. Enroll many more members.
*Send your entry for Peace Poster Contest to the District Governor's Office before 15th November 2013.
The Personal Assistant to the District Governor and Eputy Cabinet Secretary Lion Talib Yusufali reminds all Club Presidents and Secretaries of  November projects recommended by the Governor.
* You are about to complete your first half of the Lionistic Year. Do your assessment of what you have achieved so far. Rededicate yourself to achieve what was not achieved in the second half of your term.

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