Friday, October 18, 2013


KABALE, UGANDA: The Lions of Kabale in conjunction with  Rugarama Hospital conducted five days of health-check-ups for the residents, particularly elderly people with complaints of hypertension. Eyes screening was also conducted as part of World Sight Day international campaign.

Three hundred people were screened for various eyes complaints and a total number of 12 patients were recorded as patients with cataract problems. The patients are receiving immediate medical attention at the Rugarama Hospital, the hospital which created and sponsored by Lions Club of Kabale.

The Secretary of the club, Lion John Semuwemba said in his report that a sum of UShs. 1,500,000/= was spent at this five-days medical health check-ups for the people.

Story by Abdul Hai
Picture from L.C. Kabale
In conjunction with Rugarama Hospital, Lions |Club of Kabale in Uganda, conducted a five-days medical check-ups for the community, especially the elderly people for hypertension problems.

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